June 17, 2013

Why New Drivers Often Overpay For Insurance Claims

When filing an automobile insurance claim, some drivers have a higher chance of receiving a good payout than others. New drivers are much more likely to make key mistakes immediately after an accident that will affect their chances of a successful claim, and they may also choose poor car insurance options initially, which also reduces their potential payouts. By choosing an appropriate car insurance deductible, good limits, and by taking the right steps immediately after an accident, new drivers can reduce their chances of receiving an unfair insurance payout.

This is especially the case in multi-vehicle accidents. For instance, they may apologize to other drivers involved in the accident, which in court will look like an admission of guilt. New drivers may also have trouble getting the benefit of the doubt from police, who may side with the more experienced driver's version of events in multi-vehicle accidents. Of course, this is not always the case, and new drivers can get a fair judgement by immediately exchanging insurance information and by avoiding any admission of guilt after this type of an accident.

An inexperienced driver may also wait too long before opening an automobile insurance claim. This causes problems when the insurance companies' claims adjusters try to verify that the claimant is telling the truth. As time passes, the insurance company will have trouble getting information from a local police department. Waiting too long to file a claim can actually delay the claim, limiting and sometimes outright preventing a payout from the automobile insurance company. Some new drivers do not even realize that they are responsible for starting a claim. The good news is that insurance companies make it easier than ever before to open up a claim, with many offering simple online options that make the process extremely simple and easy to understand.

Finally, new drivers often choose poor insurance deductibles and unnecessarily low payout limits. A high car insurance deductible might seem like a great way to save money when opening a policy, but while a higher deductible means a lower premium, it also substantially reduces a driver's potential payout. New drivers sometimes fail to understand that the deductible is subtracted from the total payout issued by the car insurance provider. They may also choose poor limits or completely misunderstand the purpose of different types of insurance coverage. To avoid this, new drivers should compare rates carefully and not automatically look for the cheapest option. They should read about different types of coverage in order to make a better informed decision. Drivers who choose protective auto insurance and who file claims appropriately will significantly increase their chances of getting a good payout.