3 Auto Insurance Discounts Available For Shuttle Or Fleet Drivers

Fleet automobile insurance is a single, commercial policy that covers multiple vehicles and drivers. Because of the usually large number of individuals and vehicles covered by the policy, shuttle insurance can be a significant part of the total cost of operation. Obtaining better premium rates, therefore, is a high priority. Insurance companies use many factors to determine their premium rates. They including the size and weight of the insured vehicles, their intended use, where and how they are stored and the driving records of the shuttle drivers who operate the vehicles. If these considerations fall within acceptable parameters, several kinds of auto insurance discounts are available. Here are three ways to get those auto insurance discounts on policies for fleet vehicles and shuttle drivers.
The first and the most obvious type of available discount for fleet vehicles is a multi-vehicle discount. This is essentially no different from other types of product or service discounts that are offered for large purchases. The more you buy, the better the price you receive, providing that all other pertinent considerations are not a cause for concern. Even for the average, non-professional driver, including a second or a third vehicle in his policy coverage, or bundling additional policies, reduces the total cost of the policy. Multi-vehicle auto insurance discounts can be as high as twenty-five percent or more in some instances. Naturally, the condition and age of the insured vehicles and other commonly considered factors will affect the final premium rate.
Most insurance companies offer meaningful discounts for drivers with excellent driving records and for those who have passed driver safety and drivers training courses. In some cases, defensive driving courses are also considered. Because what you pay for fleet insurance is determined by the likelihood that the carrier will have to pay a claim, one sure route to auto insurance discounts is to require all shuttle drivers to take and pass these driver's education and other appropriate courses. Also, be certain that all working shuttle drivers have clean records for a period of at least three years; longer is better.
Discounts of up to fifteen percent or more may be realized by the usage of the relatively new technology known as In-Vehicle Telematics. This technology has the ability to obtain, store and transmit information about how fleet vehicles are used and the specific driving habits of individual shuttle drivers. Over a period of time, this information will produce a detailed description of all vehicle-related activity that is needed by the insurance company to arrive at a realistic premium and the information is completely reliable. Positive data will result in greater auto insurance discounts.