July 1, 2010

Tire Types And Their Effect On Auto Insurance Rates

When we think about car modifications (performance, window tinting, rims and tires etc.), we don't really think about the effects they will have on our auto insurance quotes. Even when shopping for a new vehicle (naturally will involve a phone call to the insurance company for a new auto insurance quote), the last thing that we mentally factor in, if at all, are the tire types the vehicle carries. We might glance at the tires briefly, but only to see how old and worn they are. And, of course, to give us a rough estimate of how much time these tires have before they need replacing.

Insurance companies consider many things when quoting insurance rates, and searching for the ideal plan to suit the client's needs. They conduct background checks for credit, tickets, accidents etc. These are all things that drivers can expect the insurance company to check up on for the insurance quote.

In addition to these, however, they look at the type of car to be insured. In fact, they look at every aspect of the car all the way down to the types of tires on the vehicle. When agents are putting auto insurance quotes together for new or even existing clients, safety is a major factor. The tire types can and will certainly affect the safety measures at hand. Naturally, the assumption that the insurance company would take this into consideration when preparing the quote is valid. This is not always the case. Just as each state has different laws concerning insurance coverage, insurance companies focus on different areas when it comes to insurance policy rates. The best way to handle this is by asking the company questions.

In most cases concerning insurance, safety is typically a factor on the cost of the policy. Statistics have proven that wider rimmed tires grip better on turns, grant the driver better handling and stability, and offer more control in terms of stopping quickly. The secret is the traction. Wider rimmed tires get hot quickly. This in turn allows for more traction quicker, giving the driver more control over turns. Many times, drivers question whether or not their tires are capable of the modification (switching to a wider rim). Your best bet is to consult your local shop or someone you trust.

Tire size does have some control over driving safety. Statistics have proven that wider tires handle much better. The important thing to consider is you and your passengers' safety. When making modifications to your current vehicle or before purchasing a new one, contact your insurance company for an updated quote.