How To Speak With A Car Insurance Claims Adjuster

When making car insurance claims, drivers will inevitably have to discuss their claims with adjusters. A claims adjuster determines whether there's merit to a claim, so it's in a driver's best interest to know how to effectively speak with an adjuster for the best possible results.
The first thing to realize when speaking with a claims adjuster is that the adjuster has almost absolute power over the resolution of each car insurance claim, so it's important to stay polite and to introduce facts in a logical and straightforward way. Drivers who have evidence that proves certain circumstances of an accident–for instance, testimony from a friend or family member who was in a vehicle or a report from a law enforcement official–this evidence should be presented to the claims adjuster as soon as possible and through the correct channels. Make sure that all documentation is clearly labeled and include multiple copies. It's a good idea to call an adjuster when sending documents via mail or email in order to check that those documents were received, but drivers should be careful not to call too frequently or to bother a claims adjuster. While adjusters are duty bound to create an accurate and objective analysis of an accident, they're human beings, and pestering them or being rude cannot possibly help a case get resolved in a driver's favor. If anything, calling an adjuster too frequently will slow down a case.
Drivers should be careful to collect all documentation and photos that may be helpful in a car insurance claim as early as possible and to establish contact with a claims adjuster early. Speaking with an adjuster early improves the chances that an insurance claim will be resolved quickly and accurately. Remember that adjusters are legally required to respond to a claim within a certain amount of time, so there's no benefit to waiting to send evidence or to detail the circumstances of an accident.
A claims adjuster's decision is usually the end of the process for car insurance claims, but if an adjuster makes an obvious error or if a driver believes that a case was handled illegally, the driver can make a claim to his or her state insurance commission. The insurance commissioner's office can investigate claims of fraud or abuse and reverse or change a decision if necessary. However, this is rarely effective and should only be considered as a last resort. Speaking politely to a claims adjuster and presenting all relevant information as early as possible is the best way to ensure speedy, accurate resolution of all types of car insurance claims.