August 22, 2009

3 Reasons Why You Should Not Risk Driving Without Proof Of Insurance

One of the most surprising aspects of auto insurance is that there are still so many people out there who choose to drive their vehicles without proof of insurance. It is very simple to acquire valid proof of insurance, so it is baffling when people do not take the time to invest in proof of insurance. By simply putting the proof in their glove compartment, drivers will not have to worry about facing fines due to lack of insurance. If you do not carry adequate proof of insurance, it is best if you remedy this situation as soon as possible in order to prevent potential future problems. This proof is usually included in your auto insurance premiums. Because of this, it won’t likely cost you any additional money and it only takes a few seconds to print out.

One reason to carry proof of auto insurance is to ensure that you do in fact have insurance from a legitimate company. There are companies out there that might try to scam you by offering you low auto insurance rates. While these lower auto insurance premiums might seem like a great deal, it may turn into a problem in the long run as you won’t actually be covered if something were to go wrong. If a company is unable to provide you with proof, it should be a red flag for you to step away from what that company is offering.

A second reason to carry proof of auto insurance is in case you’re pulled over by a law enforcement officer. Since it is mandatory to have auto insurance, you can receive a ticket if you do not have the proper proof. This is because the police officer who pulls you over can ask to see this proof in order to verify whether or not you actually have insurance. Driving without insurance is a serious crime, so officers have every right to ask these questions and demand proof. It is simply easier on you if you carry proof of auto insurance because you will not have to deal with the hassle of being questioned.

Finally, if you wish to purchase a new car, you will have to provide proof of auto insurance before a lender will agree to loan you the money. This is because the lending company wants to make sure that it will get its money back, even if you are in a car accident. For this reason, many dealerships will ask to see proof of insurance on a previous car before allowing you to finance a newer one. Fortunately, it’s easy to find auto insurance policies that include this proof.