January 20, 2012

When Auto Insurance Coverage Will Pay A Total Loss Claim

Paying for auto insurance coverage is necessary to keep a vehicle legal on the streets. When there's a significant accident, an auto insurance company may determine that the vehicle is a total loss, which means that there aren't going to be any costs to try and repair it. Instead, the insurance company will work at assessing vehicle damage and provide an amount to offer for the actual loss.

An insurance company is going to be assessing vehicle damage for a few reasons. They want to see what the repair cost will be in comparison to what the value of the vehicle is. Since insurance companies want to spend as little as possible so that they are more profitable in the end, they will usually declare that a car is a total loss if the cost of repairs is more than 80 percent of the value of the vehicle.

There are some things that a policyholder needs to do in order to protect his own interests as well. Auto insurance coverage is meant to be in place so that a driver always has a car to drive. If an at-fault party caused an accident that no longer leaves a driver with a car, that shouldn't mean that a driver has to suddenly be out a significant amount of money.

What an insurance company provides as the value for a total loss claim is rarely enough to go out and buy a new car - or one that is similar to the car that has just been involved in an accident. As a result, assessing vehicle damage should fall to the policyholder's responsibility as well. Going online to look at the fair market value of the car can determine what other cars similar to what was being driven are being sold for.

Many insurance companies are willing to negotiate when they must pay a total loss claim. This is done because they know that they are still making money on the deal and they want to try and keep their customers happy. There are also appraisal clauses in some cases, especially when a driver is dealing with his own insurance company instead of a company that belongs to the driver of the other vehicle.

A total loss can have a devastating effect on a driver. Having the right coverage can make the difference. Most auto insurance companies will pay a total loss claim any time that the damages are simply more expensive to pay, it's important to find out what that means for replacing a car. By doing a little homework and making some negotiations, a person can get the best possible deal out of a worst-case scenario.