3 Ways That Drivers Can Avoid Denied Claims

Successful automobile insurance claims often rely on the ability of the policyholder to provide insurers with complete and accurate accident details. The person responsible for the accident is obliged to inform the injured party about his own insurance coverage. Both parties are supposed to contact their insurers. It's wise for the non-responsible driver to inform both insurance companies about the situation. Some drivers, for whatever reason, are reluctant to contact their insurers. They possibly fear much higher rates will be imposed or even outright cancellation of their policy. All the non-responsible party should need to worry about is how much money will be needed to satisfy his car insurance deductible.
Some automobile insurance companies may throw up obstacles before agreeing to settle an accident claim. They can demand a policyholder get the company's approval before going ahead with car repairs and possible injuries. The policyholder, on the other hand, can force the insurer to accept liability before proceeding with repairs. Just make sure the insurer provides written authorization. Don't put up with constant stalls. Tell the insurer that continuing to delay the repair process only causes more expense because of vehicle storing costs and the necessary car rental fees.
Some homespun detective work at the scene of an accident can speed the claim process. Have pictures made of all vehicles involved in the accident. Get the names, addresses and phone numbers of any bystanders who might have witnessed the accident. Answer questions posed by the police investigating the situation, but also get from them all copies of their accident reports. Reputable insurance companies will do their best to follow up and collect details. But being able to hand over immediate, accurate information about an accident can be a policyholder plus.
Obtaining precise, pertinent information about an accident can really pay off. Some drivers responsible for accidents lie to their insurers, and anyone else concerned. At the very least, getting his insurer to agree to a settlement will be delayed while both parties sift out the truth. That same insurer may also refuse to entertain the facts contained in a police report. Things can get messy in a hurry, and that's why prompt attention to detail is a must. Attorneys become necessary in order to make sure all legalities are satisfied, and that's an added expense charged against any settlement.
A policyholder can file a claim with his insurer, even though the accident wasn't his fault. The insurance company might be more amenable about the accident and will help pursue the claim against the other firm. The car can get repaired faster and the policyholder is only out his car insurance deductible.