January 4, 2012

Common Auto Insurance Discounts Available For Family Policies

Lately, it seems that auto insurance, much like health insurance, has been on the rise with respect to cost. The fact remains that in order to drive a vehicle in any state in the US, an auto insurance policy must be obtained. The level and basic coverage allowed is determined by each state which also dictates the cost of such insurance. Of course, each insurance company also decides what they will charge customers and determines a policy premium cost. However, not all is lost when it comes to auto insurance. Aside from looking around and hopping online to find different quotes from different companies to find an affordable policy, there are some common discounts that can be applied to just about every family car insurance policy. It is just a matter of asking an insurance agent what discounts are available to them.

A family car insurance policy will likely have educational discounts that can be taken advantage of. One of the best discounts that can make a significant difference in a family car insurance policy with at least one child on it is the good grades discount. Most insurance companies will list a certain GPA average that will yield discounts that lower monthly bills. As long as the child on the policy maintains that GPA or higher, they will be eligible for the discount. It's also easy to get the discount - all the child needs to provide the parent is their report card or grades which they then submit to the insurance company.

A similar discount is the honor roll or dean's list discount. For exceptional students who always end up on the honor roll or dean's list, extra discounts can be available to a family. What's more, if the student hits the honor roll or dean's list consistently, then additional discounts may be applied for some insurance companies. That means a lot of savings just for doing well in school.

Another common discount that families can take advantage of refers to other insurance policies, often called bundle packages. If a family has a life insurance, health insurance, home insurance or other insurance policy that they would like to get from their auto insurance company, then a bundle discount can be added. Getting a few different policies from the same company can provide a family with a great discount since they are getting all of their insurance in one place. If the family already has all the insurance but doesn't get a discount, it's important to speak with an agent.

There are plenty of common discounts that families can take advantage of. Speak to an agent to see if you get these discounts.