Finding An Affordable Auto Insurance Quote In A No Fault State

No fault auto insurance laws were originally intended as a way to ensure cheap car insurance for drivers. Under most no fault laws, drivers' insurance providers pay for medical or property damage claims regardless of who is at fault in an accident. This limits the number of accident-related cases in the state court system, thereby limiting insurance companies' legal costs. Drivers also receive faster claims payments under a pure no fault system and states save money by limiting congestion in courts. However, a driver in a no fault state will often see a relatively high auto insurance quote, partially due to the way that some states implement their no fault laws and partly due to factors like crime rates and accident statistics. In order to find a low auto insurance quote, a driver in a no fault state should buy appropriate coverage and closely compare insurance companies.
The first step is to choose appropriate coverage. Most states with no fault auto insurance law require a certain amount of personal injury protection or PIP coverage. Personal injury protection pays for medical bills that a driver and his or her passengers encounter in an accident. Usually, drivers need to carry about $10,000 in personal injury protection. Drivers with good health insurance policies might choose to buy the bare minimum coverage in this area, as any more coverage is likely unnecessary. No fault states might also require other types of coverage, including liability coverage. Drivers should evaluate each coverage type carefully to determine whether or not it is worthwhile.
After choosing coverage, drivers should find an insurance provider that offers cheap car insurance with reasonable deductibles. The fastest way to compare car insurance policies in any state is to use an auto insurance comparison website. Drivers who use these websites can see a few insurance quotes from major insurance companies after entering a zip code and other basic info. Comparing insurance quotes and arranging them by price is a quick way to find the cheapest possible car insurance policy.
After finding a cheap car insurance policy, a driver should contact his or her car insurance company to ask about safe driving programs and other ways to get additional discounts. In many no fault states, insurance companies offer a number of discounts that can drastically reduce insurance premiums. Drivers might get discounts for owning homes, taking brief safety courses or even for parking in a closed garage. Teen drivers can often see discounts for keeping high grades. Drivers who ask about discounts after choosing appropriate coverage from a reputable insurer will see the lowest possible rates, regardless of their states' no fault auto insurance laws.