December 5, 2009

How Do You Acquire Overseas Auto Insurance

If you are traveling abroad and planning on using a car as your primary transportation, it is imperative that you get sufficient auto insurance coverage for the duration of your trip. Meet with your insurance agent to discuss your travel plans in order to determine the proper amount of coverage for you and any other drivers. And, though most personal auto insurance policies do not usually provide international coverage, if you have an umbrella policy, you may already find you have worldwide coverage. It’s important to meet with your agent to discuss this, and the other options you have for overseas auto insurance.

Additionally, it’s imperative you consider getting breakdown and liability auto insurance coverage. Paying a relatively small fee for this type of overseas auto insurance is much more favorable than paying a heftier fee if your car gets damaged or breaks down. This will help you avoid major headaches. Something as minor as a fender bender could seriously damper your trip. Breakdown coverage includes towing, roadside assistance and some mechanical failures. Ensure that your liability coverage covers responsibility for any property damage or injuries you might experience as a result of an automobile accident regardless of who is your fault. Furthermore, liability coverage should also cover a rental vehicle.

The duration of your trip will also affect what type of overseas auto insurance will work best for you. For example, if you intend to travel a lot during the year, consider getting a yearly international policy, which will reduce the hassle involved with having to get a brand new overseas policy every time you hop on a plane. Additionally, obtaining a yearly international policy guarantees you will have a fixed rate on that policy for that year.

When it comes to overseas auto insurance, there is also the option of purchasing coverage at the rental car counter as opposed to from your insurance agent. Purchasing insurance at the counter of a rental agency is a good idea because paying for a loss damage waiver will lessen your liability. Although the loss damage waiver is not insurance coverage, it removes responsibility from your shoulders for damages or theft and places responsibility on the rental company. However, if you are at fault for damage, this waiver does not include liabilities to other parties. Additionally, it’s possible that by paying for your rental car with a certain credit card that the credit card company will offer you a certain amount of coverage as well.

Whichever route you go to obtain overseas auto insurance, just make sure you are properly covered in case of an accident. There is no need for your trip to be ruined just because you were ill prepared.