Do All Auto Insurance Policies Come With Roadside Assistance

In today’s McDonald’s world, everything is about choices. We get to decide whether or not we want ketchup on our cheeseburgers, how many text messages we want to send per month, and if we need 100 or thousands of cable channels. Today, few products or services come with standard models. The same is the case with auto insurance. Although the purpose of auto insurance is to protect a customer’s vehicle in the event of a theft, accident or other disaster, many insurance companies are offering many different options that can be added to policies for an additional cost. Roadside assistance is one of them.
Not all car insurance policies come with roadside assistance. In fact, not all policies come with all kinds of coverage. This is why it is of the utmost importance to do your research before you get an auto insurance quote. While auto insurance quotes might tell you that you can pay the low auto insurance rate of only $35 per month, this generally includes on the liability insurance that you are required to have by law. If you want coverage for your own car in the event of an accident, coverage for an accident that you may cause, or extras like roadside assistance, you’ll have to pay more. When you search for an auto insurance quote, be sure to specify what kind of auto insurance options you’re looking for.
Although, at first this seems like a trick of business, it’s not. Of course, car insurance companies are looking to make some money off of you being safe, but adding options like roadside assistance to your policy doesn’t mean you’ll be paying an exorbitant auto insurance rate. Instead, roadside assistance options can cost as little as $15 a month when added to your auto insurance plan. You can also find roadside assistance by joining a motor club like AAA. When it comes to paying the bill, it’s all up to you!
How much you pay for roadside assistance reflects how much assistance you’ll need. Do you just need basic services that can tow your car if you should be unable to fix it on the road? Or, do you need more comprehensive services that will come and change your flat tire or give you a jump? Before deciding on the amount of roadside assistance coverage to add to your auto policy, consider your circumstances. If you work far from home and would need a long tow should your car break down at work, you might want to go for a plan that offers long rage towing.
If you want this extra protection, don’t assume it’s covered by your insurance policy. Ask for it, and you’ll be good to go.