How To Obtain Auto Insurance Quotes For New Economic Cars

In tough economic times, drivers often look to less expensive vehicles. New economic cars offer better gas mileage, less maintenance, and a lower cost than their big-budget counterparts, and if that wasn't enough, many vehicles that are designed to be low-cost also receive lower than average auto insurance quotes. Auto insurance is one of the most expensive parts of owning a vehicle, so it stands to reason that any truly economic vehicle should be safer and therefore less expensive from an economic standpoint. However, drivers of new economic cars can often lower their rates even more significantly by understanding how the car insurance quotes work.
Auto insurance companies offer lower rates to new economic cars for two reasons: they're generally safer and their drivers are statistically more careful. Drivers can make get their auto insurance quotes down by taking advantage of this. This starts with having a good knowledge of how your new car is built. Find out about its safety features, and if you haven't purchased the vehicle yet, ask about additional safety features that are available from with the vehicle. Some safety features may qualify you for special car insurance discounts. Passenger airbags, for instance, often qualify drivers for discount programs, and any features of your vehicle that decrease either the risk of being involved in an accident or the amount of money that the insurance company will have to pay in an accident will likely result in a discount.
If you have a particularly safe record, you can also use this to your advantage. When speaking with auto insurance agents, be sure to mention your record to them. If you have ever taken a defensive driving course or a similar program of any kind, ask your insurance agent if his company offers lower rates to drivers who have completed these types of classes. Have any certificate of completion ready to show your agent that proves that you'd finished a defensive driver program, and if you've never taken one before, consider looking into such programs. You'll often benefit from much lower auto insurance quotes and an enhanced understanding of your vehicle that could serve to keep you out of an accident some day.
Auto insurance quotes are extremely competitive for new economic cars, so it's to your benefit to look into as many car insurance policies as you can find. Look online and compare quotes using an insurance website. Think about coverage limits and deductibles while you look for lower rates, and you'll be able to protect your new economic vehicles while keeping your insurance costs as low as possible.