Special Auto Insurance Discounts For Home Owners

While shopping for auto insurance quotes, it is important to check into special discounts for home owners, safe drivers, and cars with special safety features. In addition to multi-car discounts, insurance carriers offer discounts for home owners who insure their homes and vehicles together. By using the same company for auto and home insurance, home owners can save up to 15 percent off combined premiums.
Home owners can easily stack auto insurance discounts by applying for special deals for new parents, retirees, public servants, and medical professionals. Home owners can receive auto insurance discounts by owning a single-family home, condo, townhouse or mobile home. Auto insurance carriers will also apply home owner's discounts even if your home is not insured by the same provider. Using the same company for auto and home insurance is one of the best ways to reduce premiums overall. On average, consumers save between 5 and 15 percent by using the same company for auto and home insurance.
If you are shopping around for auto insurance quotes, remember to look into multi-car and multi-policy discounts if you choose to use the same company for several of your insurance needs. Multi-car discounts are great for families insuring several automobiles. Providers also encourage customer loyalty by offering discounts for multi-policy households and families who keep the same provider for three to five years. Combining coverage is one of the easiest ways to lower your insurance rates and keep insurance bills simple. By purchasing your auto insurance and home owner's insurance from one provider, you can lower combined premiums by more than 10 percent. In some cases, providers also offer renewal discounts when you keep your auto insurance policy. By keeping the same auto insurance provider for more than five years, homeowners can qualify for drastic discounts.
By protecting your car at night and parking it in a garage, you can receive discounts based on the reduced risk for vandalism, theft, and cosmetic damage occurring. Daily driving mileage also affects insurance rates; by lowering your daily driving mileage, you can also lower your insurance rates.
Auto insurance providers offer safe driving discounts for policyholders who have not had an accident or moving violation in the past three years. Defensive driving courses taken on a voluntary basis will also reduce insurance rates, and they can be added along with many other discounts available to homeowners.
When comparing auto insurance quotes, home owners have a lot of options for reducing premiums through safety, loyalty, and demographic-based discounts. In many cases, home owners can qualify for auto insurance discounts just by owning a home or condo, but it is also possible to stack special discounts for maximum savings.