What To Ask An Auto Insurance Agent On The Phone

Knowing the right questions to ask when gathering auto insurance quotes is key to getting the best possible price with the right coverage levels on your auto insurance quote. Failure to ask the right questions while the insurance agent is on the phone can result in overpaying for an underpowered insurance policy that will not meet your needs when you need it most. With a bit of preparation and some detailed note taking, you will be in a position to better evaluate and compare the auto insurance quotes you gather and choose the policy that is right for you and your family.
The first question you want to ask is: What will be covered by an auto insurance quote? With this question, you are asking the insurance agent to review each detail of the policy-coverage levels as well as all available options. Present the question with a viewpoint toward obtaining the best policy that covers every possible contingency. You can then work backwards to determine where if any you can cut corners, but you don't want to be blindsided by not having a coverage you didn't know was available. The agent should be quite happy to review all the options as their ultimate goal will most likely be to sell you the gold class policy whether you need all of the bells and whistles or not.
The next question you want to ask is: Does this policy give me all of the discounts I am entitled to through your company? Discounts can include reduced rates for being involved in nationally recognized clubs or organizations. Discounts may also apply for anti theft systems, anti-lock brakes, or airbags on your vehicle. In addition, the completion of driver education and safety courses, and having excellent driver record may make you eligible for discounts. Most companies also offer multi-car discounts or discounts for military families. The insurance agent should be able to provide a list of all available discounts for your review. Their willingness to seek out and apply discounts you are eligible for says a lot about the quality of the auto insurance quote.
Finally, you will want to know: What is the process like if I should become involved in an auto accident? You will want to ask how the claims process works, what the standard time is for claims resolution, whether your vehicle will be repaired with new or refurbished parts, how much control you get over where the repairs are completed, and how having an auto incident will affect future premium costs. Asking all the right questions now will ensure the auto insurance quotes you receive are high quality and will meet your needs.